Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Review: After by Amy Efaw

(image from goodreads)

The dumpster baby issue was a pretty big social problem when I was in my teens. I remember writing countless essays and giving presentations on this occurrence, which were normally accompanied by some very graphic photos from the newspapers. One thing I never considered was whether any of my classmates could have committed such a terrible act. It just wasn't something that we would do. But then again, given how rampant the problem was, there were obviously many girls who were desperate enough to toss a living, breathing, tiny, dependent human being out with the trash. 

Amy Efaw's After examines the story behind the headlines - how does a smart, well adjusted, successful-by-all-accounts teenager end up being arrested for attempted murder? And while I'd like to think that I'd never be able to do what the main character Devon does, the author made me identify with her. Which teenager hasn't experienced some form of denial and refused to accept that she has made a mistake? We all know a little about not wanting to ask for help, thinking that we can handle a problem on our own, even though deep down we know it is out of our hands. Adults make these mistakes every day; it must be a great deal harder doing so as a teenager. 

Denial is powerful., and the effects of it have never been clearer than in this book. Read it. It will give you a whole new perspective as to why some women can throw their babies seemingly without a care. More importantly, it may help you become less judgemental. Because let's face it, we're all in denial about something or the other.


  1. Good Review! I liked this book a lot... It was weird because in the beginning I HATED the main character, but then slowly I didn't hate her so much, and then in the end I was happy that she took responsibility for what she did, even if she probably didn't get the punishment I think ppl like her should get :)

  2. Thanks Michelle, and I agree! Though it was very interesting to see the crime from the perspective of the perpetrator. I did feel sorry for her at times, not that it excuses her actions in any way.
